
25 October 2012

Angel(a)'s Week in Newcastle

As this week was extremely eventful and I am getting lazier by the day, I'm just going to list what happened this week. Haha.

10/17 Cheryl's Birthday Dinner and Dennis breaks his femur, the largest and most difficult bone in his body, by tripping over himself and I spend the night in the hospital with him looking like the biggest slut in the world.
(Photo by JaKyung Koo)

10/19 Circus Theme Block Lock In. If you don't know what a lock in is, its when you're locked in your block to drink all day.
(Photos by YeEun.)

This was also Paul's birthday! Even though he was not from our block he came over and I presented him his cake, and while he moved closer to the cake, I smashed it into his face. Then, all chaos ensued. Girls, including me, were being picked up and thrown in the shower to get covered with body wash and Angel(a) almost lost a toe. Haha. I was covered with soap and chocolate cake, and decided to get payback by rolling all over Kyle's bed. MUahaha! So much went on, so many nudie runs, so many funnels, so much goon.... Then after we cleaned up, went to celebrate Paul's birthday. The night ends with the beginning of Angel(a)'s three night fail. HAHA.

The next few days were filled with food and visiting Den Den at the hospital. Angel(a) wanted crepes. I made omelets everyday and introduced everyone to butter beef and hot pot. YUM! Craving satisfied. Been SOOO long since I've had this! Then the funniest, yet kind of disappointing thing happened. Martin, Angel(a), Grace, and I discover an unlikely pair, but I KNEW IT! I SOO KNEW IT!!! Haha.

A little annoying with all these inside jokes, but you gotta believe me, they were hilarious!

10/23 Graffiti Party! We all wore white and wrote on each other's shirts! Kyle, Angel(a) and I started this night Faith-hilling after watching an old episode of South Park. Haha. The night was to announce the superlatives, which means the end of the semester is getting closer. :( But we put that aside and had fun! I got a lot of loving attention this night. I liked it. :) But I didn't like becoming a meme. -_- (I won't show you that picture. I will save what little I have left of my dignity.
(Photos by Angel(a).)

Teehee, someone's jealous! (Photo by JaKyung Koo.)

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