
14 October 2012

He looks like Asian Jesus.

These last few weeks have been crazy. One event right after another! Angel(a) won us tickets to Durex's You+1 Cruise, so I decided to spend Sunday night in Sydney. I was so excited for this; my first party cruise, and to hopefully get free condoms! Free is always the best.

Just to let you know though, I did not know that Steve Aioki was the guest of honor and this cruise was the final stop on his Australia tour. I actually didn't know who he was. I'm not a house music kind of person.

We got to Darling Harbour around 4:30 pm to sign in. This process was painfully long, but hey, that's what we get for winning a contest; you gotta wait in line with all the other people that didn't pay.

The ship had three floors with two of them bumping music from opening dj acts and made its way to Sydney Harbour and back, so I saw a few things I've seen before, like the bridge and opera house. The cruise started around 5:30 pm... and I was definitely not drunk enough for that kind of music and we were way too overdressed. I honestly have only been to one rave before and that was at Umass in April, which I was also overdressed for. I thought it would be like the club, but nope. These things are pretty casual and can look pretty crazy. One girl had a huge jumper on, and we found out later that she had nothing under...

So while we were walking around the boat and I was sitting by the side while Angel(a) went to get more food, I saw a bunch of people take pictures with this guy that looked like he was an Asian Jesus and I thought, "Aww poor guy, all these white people want to take pictures with him because he's different." They were right in front of me...

Steve Aioki didn't perform until like 8 pm... Which was when I found out that he was Asian Jesus. Hahaha. Damn, I could've taken a picture with him. Can't believe I missed out!

Overall the concert was fun. I think I just needed to be drunk to handle all those people around me, who were completely wasted or rolling. It's not really my scene, but Aioki was a definite crowd pleaser. We made out way back to Angel(a)'s and I'm going to pass out while she was waiting for the Red Bull sponsored event of the man skydiving from space. Back to Newy tomorrow!

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