
01 March 2012

Mediocrity should be a deadly sin.

Dearest Lilly,

You're wasting your parent's money just getting by in school. Then again, disappointing you're family is not uncommon to you. Maybe getting two degrees? You went from graduating a year early to maybe staying a semester later. Why don't you decide if that's really what you want first? When you do, will there be a point in the degree(s) if you're only just getting by? There's no question that you don't care for politics, then what are your talents in English? Your vocabulary is limited to a 7th grader's, and that's just being nice. Creativity? Yeah right. What can you write about? Yourself? Honestly, sweetie, no one is going to care because you are mediocre.

Way to go, you are 21 years old, with barely any motivation to get to your goals. The intensity of your drive is fickle. What are your goals anyways? Oh, its too far down the line, you'll get to it later, you say? Your junior year is almost over. You can almost see the "real world". 

What happened to the old Lilly? Well, you're work ethic was only slightly better, but you used to want to do so much!  Reader Lilly, are you there? Remember all those books you wanted to read? How about baker Lilly? Athletic Lilly? Whatever happened to musical Lilly? I've missed that Lilly the most. Where is your drive? 

From what it seems, the little drive you have is to get out of this place. You want to work, pay off loans, save up, and leave. Why hasn't it hit you yet?

Face it, honey, you're going to have to try harder to get what you want.

Ouch, I know I'm being harsh, but that's tough love. I know you can do it! I believe in you!

Just starting to love you again,

P.S. I hope, in applying for this Gilman Scholarship, that you did not lose all faith in yourself. Mope a little, then get back up.


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