
13 March 2012

Day 71 and 72

Game of Thrones... all day Sunday... the whole first season....  Sooo good! By the time I finished the last episode, I passed out. Sorry for not updating yesterday. I've been forgetting about this lately. :(

Anyways, I kind of gave up on Modern Family. Its really funny, but my kinds of shows involve murder and sex. :D Teehee.

I also apologize for using pictures I found on Google. Since I forget about my project, I don't have pictures. :(

Today was a pretty bad day. I was late for my first audition because I waited at the wrong location. Then I found out that I had to be there a half an hour earlier to learn the song. I don't know these things! None of this was mentioned on the Facebook page! After that, I got my Bible Myth Midterm back.. the 4 essays I did in 5 hours... I got a C-... I know. I know. I shouldn't be mad because I did it a day before, but man, I'm losing it. I usually always do this and get a better grade. AND, my new heels are WAYYY too high! Walking in them makes my ankles hurt. :'(

So what made my day.... This!

My Shakespeare professor occasionally puts these on her slides for some shits and giggles. Haha. 

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